Ogden Apartment Rental Rates

Aubrey Apartments Logo
NameSq. Ft.Rental Rate
Studio | 1 BathBrighton401$1,099 - $1,469
Studio | 1 BathAllen Peak401$1,099 - $1,469
1 Bedroom | 1 BathNordic Valley623$1,169 - $1,619
1 Bedroom | 1 BathPowder Mountain623$1,309 - $1,619
2 Bedroom | 1 BathSnow Basin745$1,339 - $1,849
2 Bedroom | 1 BathWhisper Ridge745$1,559 - $1,849
Apartment rental rates and apartment availability are subject to change.
Aubrey Apartments Logo
Studio Apartment Rental Rates

Apartment rental rates and apartment availability are subject to change.

NameSq. Ft.Rental Rate
Studio | 1 BathBrighton401$1,099 - $1,469
Studio | 1 BathAllen Peak401$1,099 - $1,469

Studio Apartment with One Bathroom


Studio Apartment with One Bathroom

Allen Peak

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One Bedroom Apartment Rental Rates

Apartment rental rates and apartment availability are subject to change.

NameSq. Ft.Rental Rate
1 Bedroom | 1 BathNordic Valley623$1,169 - $1,619
1 Bedroom | 1 BathPowder Mountain623$1,309 - $1,619

One Bedroom Apartment with One Bathroom

Nordic Valley

One Bedroom Apartment with One Bathroom

Powder Mountain

Aubrey Apartments Logo

Two Bedroom Apartment Rental Rates

Apartment rental rates and apartment availability are subject to change.

NameSq. Ft.Rental Rate
2 Bedroom | 1 BathSnow Basin745$1,339 - $1,849
2 Bedroom | 1 BathWhisper Ridge745$1,599 - $1,849

Two Bedroom Apartment with One Bathroom

Snow Basin

Two Bedroom Apartment with One Bathroom

Whisper Ridge